Criminal Practice Areas
Drunk Driving
Whether you call it drunk driving, OWI, DWI, DUI, OUIL, UBAL, operating while intoxicated, driving while impaired, etc., etc. We handle them all, whether they be misdemeanors or felonies.
Hiring an attorney can help prevent a bad situation from getting much worse. Having an experienced attorney can help reduce licensing sanctions, save money by reducing fines, costs, fees and keep you out of jail or reduce such penalties.

Driver License Restoration
Under current law, the great majority of license restoration cases (particularly those involving suspensions and/or revocations due to two or more drunk driving offenses) are now required to be handled in the Office of Hearings and Administrative [formerly Oversight Drivers Assessment and Appeal Division (DAAD)].
In order to restore your drivers license due to multiple drunk driving offenses, one must jump through a lot of hoops and conditions. It is not easy whatsoever. At a minimum in most cases, one must prove complete sobriety for no less than twelve months, documentation of regular attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for at least twelve months, and having a sponsor through AA on a permanent basis.
At the hearing, a Hearing Officer who decides whether license restoration is appropriate will hear evidence concerning whether you can clearly and convincingly prove that your alcohol problem is under control and likely to remain under control. It is a high burden of proof and a Hearing Officer is looking for specific testimony and information.
It is quite frequent that if a person represents himself or herself without an attorney in this hearing that they will provide improper information that will lead to the denial of a license restoration! I have been representing people in these situations for over thirty-three years and have the experience to help you put together information and evidence to help you get your license back.
There is no guarantee in any legal matter, but when a person properly follows our advice, has the proper evidence, and properly prepares with us for the hearing, we have a very high success rate in helping people get their license back.

All Misdemeanors
We represent individuals in every type of misdemeanor case throughout the District Court system in Michigan.
We handle misdemeanors for drunk driving, domestic violence, probation violations, marijuana possession, assault and battery, retail fraud (i.e. shoplifting), theft, driving while license suspended (DWLS), driving while license revoked (DWLR), solicitation, juvenile offenses, etc., etc.
Please find additional important information under our heading entitled CRIMINAL MATTERS.

All Traffic Offenses and Speeding Tickets
We can help you with even the simplest matters such as speeding tickets in an economical fashion.
Even speeding tickets with fines, costs, and points can raise your insurance rates and affect a person’s ability to get or maintain a job.
In these situations having an attorney can help keep traffic violations off of your driving record, reduce points, and/or reduce fines and costs.
We also handle every type of traffic violation such as drunk driving, driving while licence suspended (DWLS), driving while licence revoked (DWLR), leaving the scene of property damage or injury accident, reckless driving, etc., etc.
Please find additional important information under our heading entitled CRIMINAL MATTERS.

We represent individuals in a wide variety of felony matters throughout Michigan.
For example we represent individuals in felonious assault, CCW violations, breaking and entering, Criminal Sexual Conduct, probation violations, juvenile offenses, fraud, embezzlement, theft offenses, felony drunk driving, assaultive crimes, etc., etc.
Please find additional important information under our heading entitled CRIMINAL MATTERS.

Criminal Matters
If you are charged with any type of crime or under investigation for any type of crime, it is absolutely best not to make any statements with the police without consulting an attorney first!
In more than thirty-three years of representing individuals in all types of criminal cases, almost every statement an individual has made to the police without the benefit of having an attorney present has lead to a bad situation becoming much worse.
Don’t wait to retain an attorney if you have been charged or are being investigated for a crime. Waiting will only make matters worse.
By hiring our firm early on, we can often help your bad situation get better, advise you of all or your rights, and walk you through an intimidating situation by having a competent and aggressive attorney on your side!
Please find additional important information under our headings concerning the type of matter relevant to you entitled either DRUNK DRIVING, DRIVER LICENSE RESTORATION, ALL MISDEMEANORS, ALL TRAFFIC OFFENSES AND SPEEDING TICKETS, or FELONIES.

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